my unfolding story............
Hello all, I hope you are doing well. Some of you may remember that I sent my last blog 'reflections' in August, 2019. Also, you may...
stillness sound calm presence breathing internal external connecting object subject one the shell spiralling the eagle flying water air...
inhale exhale become present flow with the breath trust allow stillness mind and body experience the moment sounds buzzing chirping sight...
buzzing shadows presence acceptance surrender unknown faith trust innocence love beauty goodness courage fear embrace breathe in out...
competent capable compassionate caring sober honest simple understanding humble innocent vulnerable audacious courageous relentless...
excited open exploring discovering playing happy walking laughing energetic one anxious withdrawn uncomfortable tired sad frightened...
relief release childhood memories sadness unknowing growing learning shame shyness discomfort hide withdraw separate block losing the way...
weaving threads
nothingness sadness acceptance birds chirping sun rising feelings thoughts playing releasing trusting becoming presence swinging to fro...
stretching far wide wishing wanting trusting hoping surrendering breathing now hearing banging buzzing resting releasing being nothing
mystery confusion wondering why life what's it all about opposites contrasts good evil sadness joy colours grey light dark fear courage...