breathing upright stillness buzzing light shadow sinister scared waiting unknown trust surrender mystery breathing weaving biros verticals...
muddled flowing unexcitable nothing accepting pushing pulling vague heavy airy light surrender unknown faith presence immediacy...
agitation eerie stillness grey sinister awkward ordinary nothing reflection open breath in out presence mystery unknown pastels oil ...
inspiration explore experiment sight sound smell taste touch presence action thought feeling body mind intuition soul heart ...
presence breathing balancing push pull in out contrast question answer change unknown unseen mystery flowing forward upwards onwards...
inside out
to thine own self be true tangled web unravel lost found breathe shift change trust faith surrender listen buzzing squawking...
being concern unconcern release relief acceptance equilibrium swing back forth see-saw up down breath in out still chatter embrace ...
conflict confusion discomfort confidence clarity comfort energetic still light dark invasive withdrawn agitated calm river flow night day...
shamble ramble swing stutter lost found connect disconnect joy sorrow pain grief happiness laughter criss-cross a patch work quilt...
transparent soft cloud gentle saturates internal external still present alive breathing integrate mental emotional physical spiritual...